CPS announces school closing investments
Despite a $1 billion budget deficit projected by Chicago Public Schools for next year, district officials rolled out a list of investment...
District officials said they'll pay for the investments by "redirecting resources from underutilized" schools, which will be closed.
But a 2011 study by the Pew Charitable Trusts revealed that many districts that have closed schools have realized few savings in the initial years because of significant costs to mothball closed buildings, transition students, move equipment and add upgrades to receiving schools. The average annual savings in the short run, according to study, were well under $1 million per school.
CPS says the schools receiving students will be getting extra tutoring, mentoring, social and emotional learning programs and library supports such as books and digital resources. The receiving schools will also be getting capital investments like lunchrooms, new technology, ADA accessibility and where needed upgraded floors, ceilings and masonry.